Giving Tree Education Fund
Education has been one of our deep-rooted values. Due to this, Kodava people world-wide have proven themselves to be pioneers and leaders in various fields. Several students in the Kodava community are facing extreme challenges due to financial constraints or acute changes in personal situations. Giving Tree is an initiative by Kodava Koota that aims to support deserving students and reduce the school/college dropout rates.
Your contributions will go a long way in providing a helping hand to the students and families in desperate need of monetary assistance. Together, we can make sure that none of our children get left behind.
Since its inception, Giving Tree has already benefited 3 students to continue their education.
The name Giving Tree was chosen to reflect the idea of concealed deep roots that make a tree strong, and the branches that keep on giving for many generations to come — sustaining this perpetual giving cycle.
Donor supports and mentors the candidate
- Donor(s) can choose to connect with the student, support their education, and mentor them.
- Donor(s) will be updated about the candidates’ academic progress for the year.
- Donor(s) receive tax exemption letter for their contribution.
Candidates are expected (but not mandated) to treat this as a debt of honor to perpetuate the giving cycle
- Candidates pay it forward to other students in need at their first feasibility.
- Candidates volunteer time for community service in Kodagu.
- Candidates engage in mentoring and guiding other students in the future.
Core objective of Giving Tree
This initiative by Kodava Koota, is an education fund primarily focused to support students with financial and family challenges that pose an immediate hurdle to continue their education. Giving Tree aims to make this process smooth by identifying deserving students, vetting the candidate, and connecting them with donors interested in supporting their education and mentoring them academically or professionally.
Selection process
- The qualifying criteria for candidates to apply for assistance are:
- Academically bright (provide transcripts)
- Low family income (provide income certificate)
- Unforeseen change in family’s financial situation
- Preference to students with no parents, single parents, or demise of the breadwinner in the family
- The Giving Tree team will then review the applications and prepare case files for the qualifying candidates. These files will be sent to the matched donor.
- Once the donor chooses the student they wish to support, they will receive details of the beneficiary with an opportunity to communicate with the student. This is optional for the donors that wish to maintain anonymity.
- After the donor makes a contribution, Kodava Koota will transfer 100% of the funds directly to the school account. A receipt for the payment will be obtained by the Giving Tree team.
- Donors will receive the annual progress report of the beneficiary. The candidates’ names will be posted on Kodava Koota website along with the donor’s name (if so preferred by the donor).
- To encourage good academic performance, the candidate is required to provide their progress report (school transcripts). Failing to move to the next grade/semester will automatically discontinue the donation for the next year.
Donor tracks
You can choose to make donations in one of the following two ways:
Track A (1 on 1 match): Choose the student you wish to support with your donation. Since you are in our donor database, you will receive a case file of the screened student fulfilling the application criteria.
Track B (donation pool): Make a contribution to the Giving Tree scholarship fund. The Giving Tree team will select the student to receive the scholarship after screening their application with due diligence.
Maximizing the impact of your donation
All donations through Kodava Koota are tax deductible as it is a qualified 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation recognized by IRS as tax exempt by virtue of the charitable programs. If you are already supporting a Kodava student in India, consider contributing through Giving Tree to avail this tax benefit.
Kodava Koota directly pays the institute and incurs no overheads.
Please make your donations to Giving Tree to support a student in need.